Hey! What's up everyone?
Team Kekkonen is for the moment doing a great job in my opinion. Probably thanks to our little exercise this morning. Our coaches gave us a task to go for a hike in the woods this morning and look for some inspiration in the nature. We picked up a pine cone and some weird plant. Although, some would say this exercise sounds like rubbish, it was actually a quite nice start for the day. Everyone was set up in a good mood and so on.
Right now, we are doing some finishing touches to our presentation we're about to give to our client, restaurant Torre, tomorrow. I, myself, am very happy with the results so far, and we gotten some very good advice from other course participants.
Hopefully, our client will be in touch with us later tonight to give us some directions in should we or should we not create a Facebook page for them. I must say, the communication between our client and ourselves hasn't been that good.
Regardless what directions we will get, I can say with some confidence that team Kekkonen will deliver tomorrow.
Sunny regards from Kunstenniemi,
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