Sit up straight! Eat your dinner! Behave yourself!
These are the kind of orders that our mothers and father have been telling and sometimes shouting to us from early on. Kindergarden and schools are the same. And because we've had it with all the those people that tell us so firmly what to do we don't really want to be told how to do our jobs. It's human nature to dislike those that tell you what to do, even when you know they have your best interests in heart.
It's common sense that if you want someone, a friend maybe, to do something the way you want, you should make him or her think it was his or hers idea in the first place. Not an easy task. But this is the foundation of leadership. To make someone do the things you want them to do, and do it with joy. It's also the foundation of power.
Anxiously waiting to find the time to take a closer look about Gary Hamels book, Johtamisen tulevaisuus, The Future of Management 2007. Vallankumouksen kärjessä, Leading the revolution 2001, was really good and one team member has already read it.
Change is inevitable. Or so they say...
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