lauantai 28. huhtikuuta 2012

Is leadership a state of mind?

Just had a cuise with ex- leaders of military and the police force.
Had a wonderful time. And tough we did speak formelly about leadership we did bypase it.
Wisdome of leadership does not come from book.

It comes from expeireince. That I can't deny. So we just have to take the change to experience it!

It might go wrong, and it might go right! We can't know the result from the beginning, but what we can do, is to change own ways of looking at things and of doing them.

So go on changing the world!!!                         It is what you make it!

So it really leadership really is a state of mind! At least I think so! :)


torstai 26. huhtikuuta 2012

Why is leadership changing?

Sit up straight! Eat your dinner! Behave yourself!

These are the kind of orders that our mothers and father have been telling and sometimes shouting to us from early on. Kindergarden and schools are the same.  And because we've had it with all the those people that tell us so firmly what to do we don't really want to be told how to do our jobs. It's human nature to dislike those that tell you what to do, even when you know they have your best interests in heart.

It's common sense that if you want someone, a friend maybe, to do something the way you want, you should make him or her think it was his or hers idea in the first place. Not an easy task. But this is the foundation of leadership. To make someone do the things you want them to do, and do it with joy. It's also the foundation of power.

Anxiously waiting to find the time to take a closer look about Gary Hamels book, Johtamisen tulevaisuus, The Future of Management 2007. Vallankumouksen kärjessä, Leading the revolution 2001, was really good and one team member has already read it.

Change is inevitable. Or so they say...


tiistai 24. huhtikuuta 2012

The book about books - Leaderships?

How do you choose a book to read? Do you just randomly pick one up and go on reading or does it take more than just a pretty picture on the cover?

I strongly believe that people need to be lead. There is a strong need to be told what to do and if that doesn't happen, we are totaly clueless of what is expected from us. Mondays reverse workshop was a excellent example of that.

Not being lead is a terrible feeling. First you try to act normal, tough you don't have the slightest idea, and that goes fine for sometime, but when someone asks for you to do something you hit your first bump. Second feeling that you might have is frustration. And after that come anger, and if your not used to feeling thise feeling they might overwhelm you. Before you can approve them.

But why am I jabbering about feeling. Well, feeling are the things that lead us, and you don't pick a book to read if you don't have a good feeling about it. And where do you seek guidance in a big liberary? Thank God we have YPK! YPK or yrittäjän parhaat kirjat by Johannes Partanen, as it's full name goes, is a book about books. It gives you a great help when ever you need to find an interesting book to read. It truely is the best books in one place.

But, and there always is a but, this book is only one way that the author is trying to lead us. He is choosing his favorite books and only his opinion is printed on the pages. He has created a tribe. Tribe that wants to read the same books that he has read. Tribe that wants to know what he thinks about the books. And also a tribe that wants to get studypoints and pass courses.

I, myself, am a follower of this tribe. And I find myself often contemplating the books and what Partanen has written about them and did I find the same good stuff that he had found, and what kind of discussions we might have on the matter if we ever were to meet. Strong feelings that make me take action and read books something that I've hated in the past.

Tiimiyrittäjän & tiimivalmentajan parhaat kirjat; Johannes Partanen; 2011.
Tribes, we need you to lead us; Seth Godin; 2008.

Now, if you have had the patience to finish, here is something to make you feel good (if you're on this tribe!)  Hope the link works!

maanantai 23. huhtikuuta 2012

Taking action

What is this couse all about? How can I get the best result for myself from it.

This were the thoughts that I had when we started this couse. Not a lot has happened, and I got a bit nerves. But I think that the third and final workshop got our group on it's feet.

Now we have a possible client. We don't know yet what is their goal for the project but because we know our own goals it's easyer to work around the client.

Something about the team and leadership so far.
I was, and still am, looking forward to work with new and exciting people from other schools.
Working with men turned out to be harder than I expected. Maybe I just should've been even more active and take a lead when others didn't do it but that's not easy thing to do when you have many strong personalitys in one group. Now our team is geting smaller so organizing will be smoother. And time is also short, there isn't any to waste. As Juhani Tamminen put it : When the going get's tough, loosers will seek someone to blame and the winner will burst to action.

Perfect opportunity to try and act as a winner! ;)



Since this project started, our group has been facing some difficulties. It seems like we have had problems with finding time to work, not only collectively as a team but individually as well. Our goals have have however shaped up and the key expression in this project is now leadership. What is leadership and management, what is modern leadership and who is a good leader? These are all matters that we are going to discuss in this blog.

An interesting point of view is that we, as a team, can take advantage of the difficulties that have emerged
among the group. The dynamics have changed in the group, but this also happens in the business life. The struggles in the group has helped us in getting practical insights in how it can be hard for a leader to adapt to new working circumstances.

Ville F